Laurent Jumet-2 wrote:
> Hello myNameScreen !
> myNameScreen <> wrote:
>> How can I revoke an revoked userID and e-mail from the GnuPG-Server?
>> How can I solve my problem in any way?
>> default signature and could not change it.
>> -- Now I know it, but it is to late.
>> (Edit description)
>> gpg --edit-key <userID>
>> uid 1
>> primary
>> quit
>> ----------------------------------------
>> But I revoked my second E-Mail and send it to the GnuPG-Server.
>> But now I want to add this e-mail, I can not, because the old second name
>> and e-mail is used!
>> Hope you understand me and can help me, because I am  very harassed...
>     From that moment you sent a key to a keyserver, you cannot Delete UID
> from it (only locally but obviously it's useless). But you may instead
> Revoque and send the updated key to the keyserver.
>     Remember that "quit" means "exit without updating the keyring"; "save"
> means "save all changes to the keyrings and quit".
>     May be you'd like to print the help:
> In PDF:
> In .DOC:
> -- 
> Laurent Jumet
>       KeyID: 0xCFAF704C
> _______________________________________________
> Gnupg-users mailing list

Hello Laurent,

> But you may instead Revoque and send the updated key to the keyserver.

When I try to add the same user with ( adduid ) it is not possible.
 GPG answer: (Such a user ID already exists on this key!)  
But I do not want to change my name or e-mail! 

What do you mean exactly by "Revoque"???    Revoke of the Revoke?? How? 
Sorry, I stuck a little bit.

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