Hello. The online manual for gpg states this about the "-list-keys" option: "Changes the behaviour of some commands. This is like --dry-run but different in some cases. The semantic of this command may be extended in the future. Currently it only skips the actual decryption pass and therefore enables a fast listing of the encryption keys."
I was testing some procedures with this option, using in one instance a message encrypted with a public key passphrase and in another instance a message encrypted with symmetric encryption only. Indeed, as stated, in the first case I was shown to which sub key ID it had been encrypted. on the other hand, in the second case, I was shown only a symmetric cipher type (e.g., CAST5), the one which was used for encryption. These results are consistent with what I expected. My question is, should I expect this sort of outcome in all cases? I should be shown a key ID for encryption with a public key, and I should be shown an encryption cipher when symmetric encryption was used? Thanks. John
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