On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:37:35 -0600, Aaron Toponce <aaron.topo...@gmail.com> 
> >  caff $FPR1 $FPR2 ...
> Well, if I need to provide each key ID/fingerprint, then I might as well
> write a simple loop:
>       for KEYID in <ID1> <ID2> <ID3> ...; do
>               gpg --sign $KEYID
>               gpg --armor --export $KEYID > ${KEYID}.asc
>       done
> I was hoping more for a solution where I would not have to provide the
> keys, but everything in the public keyring, or passing multiple files,
> would do the trick. I guess not?

Do you want to sign every key in your keyring?  If so, it's not hard to
get gpg to enumerate all of your keys in a machine-parsable format (see
--with-colons output).  If you just want to sign a subset then you
obviously have to enumerate all the keys yourself, so either of the
above solutions seems pretty easy to me.


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