Am 12.08.2011 08:41, schrieb 赵小强:
>  Hi there:
> I want to generate a keypair . But i dont want to type "gpg --gen-key"
> and then answer questions.
> I want to write all the answers in a file and then let gpg read the
> answer from the file in batch mode.
> What the format of the file should be? Any help?

You can simply write the answers down like you would in an interactive
session with gpg. Then feed this file with `gpg --gen-key ... < file`

gpg just reads from standard input. There is no difference between a
user pressing return and a newline character in a text file.

If you want to generate multiple key from one file, try something like
`while gpg --gen-key ...; do true; done < file`

Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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