> For keys with "high" security requirements the policy should also be signed by
> the ones who signed the key as it would be easy to write and sign a high
> security policy for a compromised low security key.

Hmm I guess my policy has a dual-purpose -- key policy (how secure is
it etc.) and signing policy (how well do I check other keys). The
latter needs only a self-signature, the former is another matter. I
don't think someone else can vouch for the facts about how I store my
key, as they have no way to check -- even if I use a smart-card, how
do they know I didn't generate off-card and keep a backup somewhere?

Jerome Baum

Hessenweg 222
48432 Rheine

tel +49-1578-8434336
email jer...@jeromebaum.com
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Einigkeit und Recht und Modeerscheinung
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