On 10/08/11 11:38, Werner Koch wrote:

>> 2011-08-10 10:16:02 scdaemon[5153] DBG:  response: sw=6581  datalen=0
> Ooops,
>   SW_EEPROM_FAILURE = 0x6581,
> it may be that you had no luck and got a faulty chip.  Contact the
> supplier for a replacement.
> Or did you run a series of automated tests and the eeprom wore out?
> EEPROMs usually allow only for something in the range of 10000 write
> cycles.  How many verify operations did you run on the card?  A verify
> needs to write to the eeprom to decrement the bad pin counter before the
> verification and increment it later (so that you can't mount power
> glitch attacks).

Damn. I didn't run any automated tests... What other operations can only
be performed a limited number of times with one of these cards? If I
were to PGP sign or decrypt 10,000 emails would that eventually kill the
card too?

Mike Cardwell https://grepular.com/  https://twitter.com/mickeyc
Professional  http://cardwellit.com/ http://linkedin.com/in/mikecardwell
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