[increasingly offtopic rant]

Well, a *proper* MUA would send both text/html and text/plain
bodyparts in a multipart/alternative container, so that a *proper* CUI
MUA could render the important part of the message without all the
markup.  But the evidence suggests that many maintainers of
HTML-possessed MUAs still do not read standards. :-P

Some character-cell MUAs will, in desperation, delegate HTML rendering
to a character-cell browser and then display the result.  I'm willing
to go the extra mile with messages that can be so treated, if the
actual text is intelligible.  Often I find that this yields something
more readable than what the sender thought I would see.  But some MUAs
do not even mark their HTML output as HTML, foiling this. :-{

When I open a message and see nothing but a farrago of markup, I
generally throw it away unread.  Unless it's an anticipated message
from a known sender, it's too much trouble even to type "v", "m" to
force it through lynx.

Sent from my big clunky desktop using Mutt.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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