> Still with the HTML? This excerpt is from the Fedora mail list but it
> applies to all lists:

It applies to those lists which have a policy on HTML mail identical to that of 
the Fedora mailing list.  This is not the same as "all lists."

> Why? HTML is designed for web pages, not emails, and uses a lot more
> bandwidth.

This is a canard.  Given most of the bandwidth is taken up by spam, the tiny 
fraction that you can save by shifting messages from HTML to raw text is 
utterly insignificant.  It's a rounding error.

> Many list members actually block HTML because it is used for
> malicious code.

By that logic I should block plain text emails, based on how many malicious 
emails I get in those formats.

There are certainly reasons to avoid HTML email, but these reasons don't strike 
me as especially persuasive.

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