On May 7, 2011, at 11:04 PM, Jerome Baum wrote:

> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 04:53, David Shaw <ds...@jabberwocky.com> wrote:
> I knew a man (a lawyer, as it happened) who always signed documents with 
> several loops in a row.  When I asked him why he didn't use a "real" 
> signature (i.e. why he didn't sign his name), he just grinned and said "Who's 
> to say this isn't my signature?"   My own signature is sufficiently 
> unreadable that it could safely be described as a "mark".
> Speaking of which, there was this article recently on how people aren't 
> learning cursive writing anymore and this makes (physical) signature 
> verification more difficult. My signature is a semi-readable cursive "Jerome 
> Baum" (read: "Jer~~~ B~~~" ;) ) so I should be safe, but I'm wondering how 
> secure it actually is? Anybody know a good article on physical signature 
> security? I know the analyses are all about writing speed and pressure but it 
> would be good to see this "dumbed down" for casual reading.

I bookmarked this at one point: 

He gives a few recommendations (cross your own lines frequently, consistency is 
important, think about using a different signature for legal matters vs 
correspondence, etc).  How good the advice is I couldn't say, but I found it 
and some other documents on the site interesting reading.


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