> In short: don't force a particular strategy on your users.  Much
> better to explain to users the general problem, and then leave it up
> to them to pick a password.

Historically speaking, this has shown not to work.  I'll try to dig up the HCI 
references if people really want, but the gist of it is people don't want to 
have to learn and understand: they just want to get their work done.  The 
instant you make compliance voluntary and education-based, the vast majority of 
users say "meh" and choose "password" as their login credential.

The belief that security problems can be solved by educating users is a common 
one: it is also a deluded one.  It handwaves the very serious problem of most 
users not wanting to be educated and being actively hostile to it.  "Why do I 
have to learn all this propellerheaded geek stuff?  I just want to get my work 

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