I do not use the Gmail interface any more; I only use the Thunderbird
client and typed the signature in the edit field found in the Tools |
Account options | General dialogue. It always appears in the body, right
under the point where I type. If this is the case it should not
interfere with Enigmail or GnuPG, correct?

PS. I learnt my lesson about including any signature for a mailing list.

On 20/03/2011 03:35 PM, Ben McGinnes wrote:
> On 21/03/11 6:11 AM, Jonathan Ely wrote:
>> Firstly, what is MUA? I hear that but am not sure what that means.
> MUA = Mail User Agent, e.g. Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.
> MTA = Mail Transfer Agent, e.g. Sendmail, Postfix, Exchange, etc.
>> Secondly, I have disabled that in Thunderbird. I had no idea it
>> modified anything; I thought it was simply a text signature that did
>> not interfere with Enigmail and GnuPG. Thanks for enabling me to
>> understand the complication there.
> If a signature is inserted before the message is signed then it will
> be included as part of the message body and will be part of the signed
> content.  This means it won't break the signature.  If it is inserted
> as the message is being sent, but after the message is signed then it
> will generate the error seen on the list.
> To be sure that a text signature is appended without interfering with
> the digital signature, it should appear in the body of the message
> when you edit it.  Thunderbird is quite capable of doing this (I have
> one, but don't normally include it when posting to lists).
> Regards,
> Ben
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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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