On 3/17/11 10:57 PM, John Clizbe wrote:
> yeah, and keys.kfwebs.net, Kristian's keyserver which hosts the pool code, is
> also down. Still no word from him on sks-devel. Of course, he might not be 
> able
> to get the mail if the server is offline.
> -John

Some news is starting to pop up on sks-devel.  I know you've seen all
this, but for the sake of people who don't subscribe:

+ Kristian was out of town when things went down.

+ He's aware of the issue.  Said it was a hardware problem, and he's
expecting to have working hardware on Sunday.

+ He will be looking into more redundancy with slave dns servers in
alternate locations.

Until then, I'll just use my favorite member of the sks pool:


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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