On 16/03/11 7:16 AM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> On 3/15/11 3:53 PM, Ben McGinnes wrote:
>> It's simple, data which may have been encrypted 15+ years ago may 
>> still have value to the people who encrypted it, even if they have 
>> since chosen to move from older programs (e.g. PGP 2.x) for their 
>> current needs.
> This may not be so much an argument for IDEA's inclusion as it might
> be an argument for data migration.

True.  In my case I'm pretty sure that all the stuff that I've moved
to my current system has been migrated from IDEA and CAST5 to AES256.
I'm less sure about the stuff that's archived on old drives and other

> If not-forever, then we should start talking about when precisely
> we'll stop supporting RFC1991, and how we can help users migrate
> away.

That's probably a worthwhile discussion to have.  Even if RFC1991
support is maintained, there's still value in migrating encrypted data
to more robust algorithms.


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