On 12/03/11 11:56 PM, Charly Avital wrote:
> Hi,
> from Terminal, from two different keyservers:
> (1)   Barack Hussein Obama (PoC) <preside...@casabranca.gov>
>         1024 bit DSA key 76F5FE21, created: 2010-04-07
> (2)   Barack Hussein Obama (DOD) <presid...@whitehouse.gov>
>         1024 bit DSA key 0B72EB0F, created: 2009-04-27

They're all fake.  Currently there are two dozen keys for
presid...@whitehouse.gov, of which my favourite is 0x5F3FDC7E.  Using
any of these keys will just result in sending encrypted email to the
whitehouse that they probably already have a filter to discard.

As for the casabranca.gov domain, it doesn't even exist (no DNS


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