Thanks, everyone.

So we can see the algorithm, but can not be able to see the compression
level used, correct?




pub 3072D/F80E29F9 1/30/2009 Avi (Wikimedia-related key) <
   Primary key fingerprint: 167C 063F 7981 A1F6 71EC  ABAA 0D62 B019 F80E

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 1:35 PM, David Shaw <> wrote:

> On Mar 11, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Avi wrote:
> > Forgive my ignorance, but is there a way to take a given
> > encrypted message/file and determine which compression algorithm
> > was used (and which level)? I know how to set compression
> > algorithm and level prefs, but I'm curious to see what others
> > use, if possible.
> You can't tell which compression is used in any arbitrary message since you
> need to be able to decrypt it first.  If the message is to you, however, you
> can run 'gpg --list-packets' on it.
> When running list-packets, you should see a line like this:
>   :compressed packet: algo=2
> Algo 1 == ZIP
> Algo 2 == ZLIB
> Algo 3 == BZIP2
> If there is no "compressed packet" line at all, then the message is
> uncompressed.
> David
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