On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 04:07:40PM -0500, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> Whenever people talk about what "most users" need, I have to ask to see
> the user survey that's showing this.

I don't think it matters what the real numbers are. We've all seen user
ids with utterly unhelpful comments, and it stands to reason that some
fraction of them were put in place because novice users felt obligated
to include a comment. The first time I used gnupg this is exactly what I
did, as evident in my old keys on the keyservers.

Personally I've never seen a comment that helped me identify the owner
of a key in a meaningful way.

So since it occasionally causes silliness, and rarely or never to my
knowledge helps, I would go so far as to say that use of comments should
be strongly discouraged.


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