SETLOCAL PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG;%PATH% >"%TMP%\~decryptlist.txt" DIR /B "C:\decrypt_here" PUSHD "C:\decrypt_here" FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('MORE ^< "%TMP%\~decryptlist.txt"') DO ( IF EXIST %%F ( ECHO bingos| GPG --batch --yes --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt-files *.pgp -o "C:\decryptedfiles\%%F" %%F
IF ERRORLEVEL == 0 DEL "%%F" ) ) POPD DEL "%TMP%\~decryptlist.txt" ENDLOCAL Hello Ive have managed to get encryption working nicely, now im trying to automate the decryption, this is what happens when i run the above. Files are droped into the decrypt here folder, batch is run, the files decrypt, but stay in the same folder?? they do not get output to the decryptedfiles folder?? where has it gone wrong? Many thanks
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