On 10/05/2010 12:21 PM, Max Burley wrote:
> I have two keys: 
> - a personal key (used to sign this message); and
> - a business key.
> Inadvertently, I signed the business key with the personal key. Trying
> to remove that personal signature with delsig fails.

how does it fail?

to be clear, if this sig is already pushed to the keyservers you cannot
delete it effectively, and your best bet is to revoke it.

> Bringing up the business key with "gpg --edit-key <key_name>" gives me
> the "command>" prompt, at which point entering "<UID (n)> delsig" runs
> without an error message, but the personal key signature is still
> attached to the business key when I run "gpg --list-sigs <key_name>".
> Am I missing something terribly obvious here?

It's not terribly obvious, but i think what you want to do within the
gpg --edit-key prompt is a multi-line approach:

 uid <X>

 <then keep pressing "n" until you see the sig you want to delete --
  at that point, choose Y>

 <choose q if there are no more sigs you want to delete>

and then you should be back at your shell's prompt.



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