Thanks Paul for the detailed reply. Let me try this... i will get back to
you in case of any doubts...

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Paul Richard Ramer <>wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:12:06 +0530, Rahul R wrote:
> > I have a request from one of my client that they need me to digitally
> > sign their files in my server with my gpg key after encrypting it with
> > their key. I am not familiar with this. ie encrypting a file with a key
> > and digitally sign it with another key.
> >
> > The process that we are trying to perform is to encrypt the file with
> > the customer’s public key and then sign the file with our private key.
> There is more than one way to do this.  You can create (1) an encrypted
> and signed file (that is, a file with the encrypted data and the
> signature embedded within it) or (2) an encrypted file with the
> signature contained within another file.
> Some visual examples:
> (1) Encrypted and        (2) Encrypted file and signature file
>    signed file
> +----------------+       +----------------+    +----------------+
> |   Signature    |       | Encrypted data |    |   Signature    |
> |----------------|       |                |    |                |
> | Encrypted data |       +----------------+    +----------------+
> +----------------+
> For (1) let us suppose that you have a file called My_Secrets and you
> are encrypting to Fred.  To create the encrypted and signed file you
> would run the following command:
> gpg --recipients Fred --output My_Secrets.gpg --sign --encrypt My_Secrets
> This command will encrypt the file My_Secrets to Fred, sign it with your
> default key (if you have only one key, then that is your default key),
> and create an encrypted and signed file with the name My_Secrets.gpg.
> If you prefer to write a shorter command, you can rewrite the above
> command as follows:
> gpg -r Fred -o My_Secrets.gpg -se My_Secrets
> Now for (2).  To create an encrypted file and a signature file, run the
> following commands in sequence:
> gpg --recipients Fred --output My_Secrets.gpg --encrypt My_Secrets
> gpg --detach-sign My_Secrets.gpg
> What the first command will do is encrypt the file My_Secrets to Fred
> and output the result to a file called My_Secrets.gpg.  The second
> command will sign the file My_Secrets.gpg and output that to a file
> called My_Secrets.gpg.sig (even though you didn't specify an output file).
> With all of these examples, you can specify Fred's key using his name,
> e-mail address, or key ID.  For example:
> gpg --recipient Fred  ...
> gpg --recipient  ...
> gpg --recipient 0xBADDEED5  ...
> If any of this is unclear, please post a reply telling us what you
> didn't understand.
> Hope this helps you,
> - --Paul
> - --
> PGP Key ID: 0x3DB6D884
> PGP Fingerprint: EBA7 88B3 6D98 2D4A E045  A9F7 C7C6 6ADF 3DB6 D884
> KDvR0bhzI0v/03+0BBgTx7wEhk6LrNxOW9nUEbOaFJ6xvUQ9k0iaxLnBBbgOWU2x
> AY7ic8NvWkkNiedj4SL8tE6XjCHXDKChDx2fCtiBdAyRU5sE4vDyWOcrjUqFeu/s
> P6ThBVC2QcePx2QsYNgEc0Yu1+I4Q7gbtjiEVlvPWc4y/DrgoKfHDV/FkcRyhJGh
> 5wWthtlrhbTukjzefKeSiR/gnguoOx8jGxPeK4fv+4sJDV171gUtaY+xv3l3v6GA
> 7OS9C4QfPFjF1pWhZ37CyyvlVamsZJWCsjjohOt5CGvyNTjfGxJXUFNq3flosKOY
> hH5wN+zQrV7PGNTLDVopw7rQhQf5uvX7nRfZzgX1CTabscIfxDMsXEqRbrzhwWn0
> dtjlxwXpFZNHopAYB8SNil2eWn4Iip2Wu6Zp+kr7NSmaLGWMCWj8k5tJfKUF89WO
> cZD/qJW92C0pAHa4VyBbvIu0LfKjs66sh8ecpOt48w==
> =PPDu

Rahul R
Mob: 09008030921
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