On Apr 30, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Crypto Stick wrote:

> Recently the German Privacy Foundation released the open source Crypto
> Stick!
> The GPF Crypto Stick is a USB stick in a small form factor containing an
> integrated OpenPGP smart card to allow easy and high-secure encryption
> e.g. of e-mail or for authentication in network environments. As opposed
> to ordinary software solutions, private keys are always inside the
> Crypto Stick so that their exposure is impossible. All cryptographic
> operations (precisely: decryption and signature because of public key
> cryptography) are executed on the PIN-protected Crypto Stick. In case
> the Crypto Stick was stolen, got lost, or is used on a
> virus-contaminated computer (e.g. Trojan horse) no attacker is able to
> access the private keys so that all encrypted data stays secure.
Looks very interesting.  I'm curious how this differs from the SIM-sized card 
in a SIM-sized USB reader?  For example, the regular 2.0 OpenPGP card in a 
SCR3320 USB stick reader 


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