On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 12:04:36 -0500
Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> articulated:

> Investigators also don't develop very many leads based on "gee, this
> person uses crypto."  Many more leads are developed based on kludge
> investigation -- what security geeks call "traffic analysis."  If they
> nab a child pornographer and discover that you always emailed him
> between one and three days before the child pornographer uploaded a
> new set of images, well... that's the kind of interesting coincidence
> which will start a federal investigation.  The fact you have a crypto
> key, not so much.

Maybe not totally apropos to this discussion; however, I worked in
"traffic analysis" for several years. If given enough leeway, you would
be amazed at the information you can gather about an individual, and at
its astonishing accuracy rate.

Just listening on various mail forums, I have been able to learn more
about certain individuals than they would believe possible, or want
known. Its all in knowing (and having the proper equipment and
authority) in where to look.



        tomorrow you may no longer feel guilty.

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