
Is it the 4th user or "user4" that has a problem? That is, who gets
the problem with this:
gpg -r <user4> -r <user2> -r <user3>  -r <user1> --encrypt file.txt


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Mohan Radhakrishnan <moh...@fss.co.in> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am encrypting for multiple recipients.
> gpg -r <user1> -r <user2> -r <user3>  -r <user4> --encrypt file.txt
> 3 users are able to decrypt the files. The 4th user though is getting this
> messsage.
> I am using GPG. All users use PGP to decrypt. Shouldn't make a difference ?
> "It is not possible to decrypt this message because your keyring does not
>  contain usable private key(s) corresponding to any of the above public
> key(s)."
> It looks like the 4 th user is doing something wrong ?
> Thanks,
> Mohan
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