Am Samstag, den 09.01.2010, 00:21 +0100 schrieb Olav Seyfarth:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Hi Bernhard,
> > After moving to Ubuntu (OT: for multimedia reasons) I fail to use these
> > keys with the newly created account. I have access to all the old files
> > and directories and would like to get some help for the incorporation of
> > the old keys into the new system.
> GnuPG uses ~/.gnupg as homedir. It should be sufficient to move the content
> of your old homedir to the new one. Alternatively, you may let GnuPG import
> your keys and/or keyrings by using gpg --import <file>. What issues do you
> encounter?
> Olav
> - -- 
Hi Olav,

thanks a lot! I did as you proposed and it worked flawlessly. The keys
are now available.

May I ask another question: Which gnome/kde program let me generate
smime keys?

Thanks again!


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