On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 12:56:33 +0000, Paride Legovini wrote:

> Finally, there'a second ElGamal key (1024g/71D7872E), with two `sbind'
> entries that I can't explain. This key seems revoked too, however, when
> I import all this stuff to my local keyring, the 71D7872E key does not
> result revoked (the 6AFBDDF2 does).

While importing this key I get these warnings:

  gpg: key 6E2D5847: no subkey for subkey revocation signature
  gpg: key 6E2D5847: no subkey for key revocation
  gpg: key 6E2D5847: invalid subkey binding
  gpg: key 6E2D5847: invalid subkey revocation
  gpg: key 6E2D5847: subkey signature in wrong place - skipped

Thus gpg detected the bad or misplaced signatures and removed them.
Leading to a valid key:
  pub   1024D/6E2D5847 2003-09-14
  uid                  torn (main key) <torn [...]
  uid                  t o r n <torn [...]
  sub   1024g/6AFBDDF2 2003-09-14 [revoked: 2005-11-03]
  sub   1024g/71D7872E 2003-09-14
Thus the 71D7872E sunkey has not been revoked or the keyserver had
problems with the upload of the revoked key and messed the key up.

You may ask the key holder for a pristine copy of the key to check
whether he actually intended to revoked that subkey too.



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