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 TRUE;CN=GnuPG Users;
 TRUE;CN=gerry_lowry (alliston ontario canada);X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:gerry.l
DESCRIPTION:Hi!\n\ngerry_lowry (alliston ontario canada) schrieb:\n> Sven R
 adde wrote\, in part:\n> \n>     "... there are more usable ways of managin
 g one's passwords\n>          than storing them in a GnuPG file".\n> \n> I'
 m curious what "more usable ways" there are that Sven and others\n> can rec
 ommend.\n\n/First of all\, @Listowner: Let me know if this should be taken 
 off-list\nbecause it's too OT.../\n\nI mean tools like Keepass/KeepassX\, P
 asswordSafe\, or similar (even the\nFirefox password manager can encrypt st
 ored passwords with 3DES and a\nmaster password). I also mean a Truecrypt v
 olume or loopback container\nfor storing the password file. For Linux\, enc
 fs or ecryptfs come to\nmind\, too.\n\nThe reasons are as follows: With Gnu
 PG\, you have encrypted one file. To\nbe secure\, you must now delete the o
 riginal copy\, which is not easy in\nitself\, although recent research [1] 
 seems to show that a single\noverwrite is sufficient for secure wiping. Did
 n't we have a discussion\nabout secure deletion not too long ago?\n\nNow\, 
 to access your encrypted passwords\, you need to decrypt the file\,\nresult
 ing in an unencrypted version of it on your drive. When you are\ndone\, you
  have to securely delete it again. If you have modified the\nfile\, you hav
 e to remember to encrypt it between having saved the\nchanges and deleting 
 it.\n\nOf course\, you can set the thing up in a way that the unencrypted f
 ile\nis written to a RAM-only disk\, but keep hibernation and swapfile issu
 es\nin mind.\n\nYou can also have GnuPG output the data to the console only
 \, if you just\nhave to read a password (I have no idea if there are possib
 ilities that\nconsole output find its way into logfiles or similar\, though
 ). Depending\non the size of your password file\, you have quite a number o
 f lines\nwritten to the console where you have to find the password that yo
 u need\nfor the moment. If you'd format the file like:\npurpose1 -> passwor
 d1\npurpose2 -> password2\nyou could do something like "gpg passwords.gpg |
  grep purpose2" to find\nthe password you need.\n\nAs mentioned\, some shel
 lscripts could automate the process (create a\nramfs mountpoint\, decrypt t
 he password file to there\, grep it to find a\ndesired password\, or launch
  a text editor\, re-encrypt the file after the\neditor closes\, unmount the
  ramfs).\n\nKeepassX\, e.g.\, supports organizing your password file into g
 roups\,\nadding metadata such as URLs to the passwords\, comfortable hotkey
 s\,\nintegrated random password generator\, password entropy estimation etc
 .\nThe main difference\, though is the transparent way to access your\npass
 words (this is also true for Truecrypt and the other mentioned\nencrypting 
 filesystems): Enter the master-password\, work with the\npassword file(s)\,
  lock the storage again. Done. No unencrypted copy on\ndisk\, ever (apart f
 rom the abovementioned swapfile and hibernation).\n\nGiven these tools I al
 so disagree with the notion that "frequently used\npasswords reside in one'
 s memory" (although I remember quite some\npasswords\, myself). Password-re
 use is one of the greatest problems with\npasswords (and\, btw\, becomes qu
 ite infeasible once you have to deal with\nvarying complexity-policies\, di
 fferent expiration-intervals etc) and\npasswords you have to remember tend\
 , in general\, to be weaker than those\nthat you don't have to remember.\nW
 ith Keepass\, you can have a different 20-character pseudo-random\npassword
  for every stupid web forum (not to mention the more important\nthings). It
  just doesn't matter whether your password is "123" or\n"las2ieu7hxalm5iuem
 alie" if it's just pressing "Ctrl-Shift-A" to\nauto-type username and passw
 ord into the login form.\n\nI do not mean to endorse specific pieces of sof
 tware here\, nor do I mean\nto belittle GnuPG. But I think you need the rig
 ht tool for right task.\nAnd GnuPG IMHO has its strengths not in providing 
 protection to\nfrequently accessed (and modified) files.\nIf you need to ar
 chive a backup copy of your passwords on a remote\nserver\, that's a wholly
  different issue\, though. GnuPG will do an\nexcellent job there and digita
 l signatures are even a bonus.\n\ncu\, Sven\n\n[1] http://www.springerlink.
 com/content/408263ql11460147/ --\nunfortunately only the abstract is free f
 or general access\n\n_______________________________________________\nGnupg
 -users mailing list\\n
 listinfo/gnupg-users\nZeigen Sie Ihren Termin unter
 EyN2MzOTNlM2E&ctz=Europe%2FBerlin&hl=de an.
SUMMARY:How secure asymmetric encryption to yourself?

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