On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Philippe Cerfon wrote:
Not really. If there were good reasons to believe OpenBSD's entropy
collector was better than Linux's, the Linux crew would fix the code,
maybe even borrowing OpenBSD's entropy collector.
Ah,.. right... it was the other way round it didn't work (GPL2 to
BSD ;) )
Those are just implementations of methods to gather and manipulate
entropy. If one method was better, the other would more likely re-
implement the idea rather than lifting code wholesale. This usually
works out that way in the open source world, and especially in the
open source crypto world. Most likely, the people with the better
entropy gatherer would actively help the other people to improve their
This doesn't necessarily work out the same way in the non-open source
world, but even so, some companies are very good to deal with with
getting information and discussing common problems (the PGP company is
a good example of this).
-Currently the default (and I assume suggested) algorithm is RSA,
right? How does DSA2 compare with it?
Arguing whether RSA or DSA2 is better is kind of like arguing whether
King Kong or Godzilla is better at stomping cities flat.
One should perhaps count in all the King Kong vs. Godzilla moviews,..
who has won more often? ;-)
Kong 1, Godzilla 0. Not exactly an Oscar winner, but "King Kong vs.
Godzilla" does have its charms.
I'm not sure which is RSA or DSA in this example though, and then
there is Mechani-Kong, and Lady Kong, and... ;)
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