On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:08:30 +0200, "Laurent Jumet"
<laurent.ju...@skynet.be> wrote:

>Hello BosseB !
>BosseB <bo.bergl...@telia.com> wrote:
>> I have a number of encrypted files, which I need to decrypt. I have
>> installed GPG 1.4.9 on my Windows XP-Pro SP3 PC. I have the necessary
>> keyrings and they work with Thunderbird and Enigmail.
>> But as I said I need to decrypt files that are on my hard disk, not in
>> an email....
>> I tried this command in a command window:
>>  gpg -d <asc filename>
>> I got a prompt for my passphrase and as soon as I entered this the
>> window filled with large amounts of strange characters and the PC
>> speaker started to beep and never would stop.
>> I finally had to use ProcessExplorer and kill the cmd process to get
>> silence. :-(
>    If you don't specify the final file, GPG writes it to stdout (the screen); 
> and if the file contains non ASCII carachters, you'll get full of garbage.
>    You should use instead:
>gpg --yes --output finalfile encrypted.asc
>    (The "-D" is not mandatory as GPG assumes you want to decrypt).
>    But there is an easier way: install GPGShell and you only need to 
> rightclick on the file and call the appropriate decrypting menu:

I found GPGShell and tried it but it did not offer a context menu in
Windows Explorer just a rather strange regular program window which is
not intuitive to use for a Windows user at least. It starts up with a
list of the keyring, which is of little use, and no file browser.
Not what I was looking for...

But I finally found it, it is called GPGee and it gives me a Windows
Explorer pop-up menu entry for Verify/Decrypt if I click on an ASC
file and Sign/Encrypt alternatives if I click another file type.
Just what I remembered!
The problem here is that the top Google result for gpgee is softpedia
and their download link is broken. But I got it from here:

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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