On Thursday 27 August 2009, debianfeed wrote:
> Hello
> does anybody here know a possibility to use gpg key-groups under
> gnome? groups defined in the gpg.conf
> (e.g. "group mygroupname = 0xAAAA9DB0 0xBBBB9540")
> do not show up in nautilus' seahorse extension.
> kgpg is capable of dealing with groups, but as it is a
> KDE-application it ist not usable via the nautilus context menu.

I doubt very much that kgpg cannot be added to the Nautilus context 
menu. I'm pretty sure any application can be added to the Nautilus 
context menu. It's a common and hard to kill misconception that just 
because an application is based on the KDE libraries it does not work 
in Gnome and vice-versa.


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