Hey folks,

Two years ago, there was a thread on this list, in which RSA key
sizes >2048 were discussed [0]. In these two years, the crypto-world
has been shaken up a bit, and computers got yet a bit more powerful.

0. http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2007-June/031285.html

I am trying to decide whether I want to create myself a new RSA key
and am looking at key lengths of 2k, 4k, and 8k. In theory, I'd like
to use the 8k variant, simply because I postulate that my machines
can handle it (I don't use GPG on a PDA/SmartPhone (yet)), but
I don't know if this makes sense in practice.

I understand RSA and I cannot imagine compatibility problems with
other implementations, but I'd still like to reopen the issue and
ask this list what they think about >2048bit keys, and 8192bit in


martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
the unix philosophy basically involves
giving you enough rope to hang yourself.
and then some more, just to be sure.
spamtraps: madduck.bo...@madduck.net

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