David Shaw <ds...@jabberwocky.com> wrote

> On Jun 29, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Malte Gell wrote:
> > I would like to define a fixed port number (the same 11371) for gpg
> > which waits
> > for the answer from the keyserver. Can I tell gpg at which port to
> > listen?

> If I understand your question, you're trying to set the *local* port
> number that GPG uses when binding the socket to talk to a keyserver?

Yep. My machine is connected to a router that blocks incoming traffic. If I 
could assign a fixed port for gpg --search-key I could open this port for 
incoming traffic. At the moment gpg uses a different port each time i use gpg --
search-key for incoming traffic and so i cant specify a rule.
The funny thing I dont understand, when surfing the web, Firefox of course also 
uses high ports for receiving data and these don't get blocked...(which is not 
desired of course)


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