On Saturday 16 May 2009, webmas...@felipe1982.com wrote:
> I will do my best to describe as succinctly and clearly as possible.
> To begin, I use openSUSE, openoffice for documents, and [usually]
> kmail for email. I created a document in OOo and clicked on the
> 'email' button to send it to my "other" email address
> x...@student.qut.edu.au [backup]. I sent the file signed and encrypted.
> The other address has only a web interface, and as such, has no
> support for PGP/MIME. As expected, I see two attachments,
> application/pgp-encrypted "VERSION 1" file, and
> application/octet-stream (my encrypted .odt file).

The application/octet-stream attachment does not only contain your 
encrypted .odt file, but the whole MIME structure of your message 
(after signing and before encryption) including the attached .odt file.

> It isn't actually 
> binary, it appeares in ASCII when downloaded and opened in text
> editor. I ran it through Kgpg, and also separately through gpg
> command line, and was disappointed that I did not recover my original
> .odt file.
> The top portion contains email header information stuff (stuff I
> don't want, or care to understand). There is a signature at the very
> bottom, but verification fails (it is *my*own* pub/priv key pair).

That's because KGpg probably does not know how to verify PGP/MIME 
signatures correctly.

> In 
> the middle, above the signature, and below the email header stuff,
> there is an ascii-armoured portion of data. I have not yet attempted
> to select it all, copy, paste, decrypt, because I thought to myself,
> "there must be a better (read: easier) way to do this..." So, is
> there?

The "ascii-armoured portion of data" is most likely the base64 
encoded .odt attachment. Try running it through

  base64 -di < "ascii-armoured portion of data" >foo.odt

base64 is part of the coreutils.

> I forwarded the message back to my x...@felipe1982.com address, and
> viewed it in kmail (which as you all know, supports cool things like
> pgp/mime). But it (after submitting my passphrase) will not decrypt!

Hmm. No idea unless you did not make sure that the message is also 
encrypted with your own key.

> Is this the normal behaviour of pgp/mime. I did read a little (albeit
> quickly and not in detail) of rfc3156 (is this the most recent?).

In theory, PGP/MIME allows arbitrary complex hierarchies of signed and 
encrypted body parts.

In practice, KMail (and probably most other PGP/MIME capable email 
clients) encrypt the whole message (except for the email headers) after 
the optional signing step, i.e. the text and all attachments. Now, if 
you decrypt the encrypted "attachment" in the received message, you 
will get something like you write above.

I'm not sure what your use-case is. If it's for backup purposes (as 
indicated above), then I suggest to sign and encrypt the .odt file with 
KGpg and then attach this signed&encrypted attachment to a message. 
This message should then not be encrypted because otherwise you'll have 
the same situation as above. Signing the message should be okay.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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