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On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 20:02:29 Jan Banan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am completely new to encryption as well as Unix-server programs 
etc. I am
> trying to set up a form on a webpage that should be encrypted when 
the data
> is sent to me. I have found a freeware package from VerySimple 
which is
> called simplesecure 3.33 (http://www.verysimple.com/products.page) 
and it
> looks excactly what I need it to be. I have installed it on my hosting
> server and started configuring it, but when it comes to the part of
> specifying the path to the GPG executable I realize that I have no 
> file.
> I quote from the installation instructions:
> > *"**Step Three: Configure GPG/PGP Path:**
> > *
> *
> *
> *(This step is only necessary if you plan to use the encryption 
features of
> SimpleSecure)**
> *
> *
> *
> *The "Encrypting Settings" tab of the System Settings page contains 
> for PGP and GPG (see screenshot).**
> *
> *
> *
> *GPG & PGP Executable paths should be something like 
"/usr/bin/pgp" or
> "/usr/bin/gpg". If your site is hosted on a Windows server, The path 
may be
> something like "C:/Program Files/PGP/pgp.exe" (In the case of 
> servers, leave the quotes around the path).**
> *
> *
> *
> *The Keyring path can be configured in two ways.**
> *
> *
> *
> *A. (recommended). Specify the full path to th e ~/cgi-
> directory. (for example
> "/usr/www/public_html/myaccount/cgi-bin/ssecure/keys") Use the 
same value
> for both GPG and PGP keyring path.**
> *
> *
> *
> *B. (advanced). If you already have a location where you store 
> keyrings, you may specify the full path here. (for example
> "/usr/home/myaccount/.pgp"). If you decide to configure the path this 
> you must also allow world-read access to your keyring folder.**
> *
> *
> *
> *SimpleSecure is now configured and ready to test...**
> *
> *"*
> I presume I have to download it from GnuPG. But since I have no 
> with Unix software I have no clue what to download and how to tell if it 
> an executable.
> Can someone help me and give me a few pointers, please. If I know I 
am on
> the right road I can usually find my way by myself, but here I am a bit
> lost in the forest.
> The server is running Apache version 2.2.11 (Unix).
> Thanks!
> /peter
Who is your hosting provider? Do they have gpg already installed on 
their systems for you to use? I don't think you will be allowed to install 
software onto their computers ... Do you have SSH access to your 
account on your hosting provider? If so, you can try "which gpg" and 
see what you get back.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)


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