On 2009-03-13, Oguz Yarimtepe <comp....@gmail.com> wrote:

> So what is the differenece between gpg -se and gpg -s? -s parameter is
> also encyrping, right?  The outputs of these two files are differenet,
> though.

-s sign
-se = -s -e = sign & encrypt
-s is not encrypting. You either make a detached signature or produce a file 
which contains both the original data and the signature, which is the 
compressed file you mentioned.

> I was planning to sign and verify the binary, because verification
> happens faster than decryption. So how can i sign a binary and again
> verify it without creating a detached sign?

The alternatives are either a detached signature or the compressed file. I 
cannot think of another alternative. Why don't you want a detached signature?

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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