> From:         Joseph Oreste Bruni <jbr...@me.com> 
> Date:         Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:31:13 -0700 
> Message-id:   <63b6c107-1520-484f-9069-bbf387251...@me.com> 

Joseph Oreste Bruni wrote:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/03/encryption_password_ruling/
> Hi List,
> This article caught my eye. One of the things that I gleaned from the  
> article is that it's obvious that law enforcement (at this level) does  
> not have the ability to brute-force crack PGP encrypted data. Instead,  
> the courts are attempting to force the surrender of the passphrase.
> Apparently the issue has not yet been settled in the US. How are other  
> countries' courts handling this?

There's about 190 countries in the world.  There'll be many national
mail lists & webs eg http://ccc.de & forums that discuss encryption
politics.  Hopefully this list will Not, & stick to just the
international technology & ignore the politics & national laws, to
keep the traffic down, & keep it internationaly relevant.  Not that
the politics might not be interesting for a while, but it could
easily bloat the list trafffic.

Julian Stacey: BSDUnixLinux C Prog Admin SysEng Consult Munich www.berklix.com
  Mail plain ASCII text.  HTML & Base64 text are spam. www.asciiribbon.org

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