
in my first attempts at PGP, I had only one e-mail at time, occasionally
two or three.

Now I have many different e-mail addresses that I use on a regular basis
for various purposes, none of them illegal.  Some web sites force users
to have addresses like    m...@theirdomain.com   for reasons such as
attempting to control spam.


I have a gmail account for communication with my IPP if my site is down.
If my IPP is also down, I'm out of luck.

I have an e-mail address from a customer who prefers that his
customers contact me via ge...@hiscompany.com.

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

Please note:  I'm for all intents and purposes new to PGP/GPG.

It seems that for any e-mail address that I have, I need a key pair that
corresponds to each e-mail address.

Is there a better strategy?


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