
It sounds like gpg.exe is not in your path.

you can get around this by adding the directory where gpg.exe exists
or by using a fully qualified path.  I prefer the latter.

Example:      assume I've installed GnuPG to c:\topsecret\spytools  (btw, I 
have not)

Open a Windows command prompt, a.k.a. a "DOS window".

[note:  before you get in too deep, you might want to read a book like
 "PGP & GPG", Michael W. Lucas.  It's not perfect but it got me restarted.
  No Starch Press, 2006.  Try your local library.]

[if your GnuPG folder is not in your path, then, in the following, type, for 


instead of just



At your Command prompt, usually ">", type commands like these:

       >gpg --gen-key                    [creates a GnuPG keypair]

[the following is a one line command to generate a revocation certificate in 
case you ever need it]
      >gpg --verbose --armor --output y...@yourplace.com.asc.revoke.txt 
--gen-revoke y...@yourplace.com

      >gpg --verbose --listkeys

      >gpg --verbose --listsecretkeys

use Google to locate useful articles on GnuPG, example,               GnuPG 

gerry (lowry)
Gerry Lowry, Principal
Ability Business Computer Services  ~~ Because it's your Business, our 
Experience Counts!
68 John W. Taylor Avenue
Alliston · Ontario · Canada · L9R 0E1

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