Thanks for you reply. I mean are there any guide or documents for GNUPG
windows version? I am sorry for the typo.

Here I have one more question.

If I want to use one key on multiple machine, or i want to save the private
key in some removable device. Is that possible? I cannot find any command
used to backup private key.


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Robert J. Hansen <>wrote:

> Neil Yan wrote:
> > 1. Where can I download a windows version of GNUPG? The files on GNUPG
> > download ftp site seems all are Linux version.
> > 2. How can I decrypt files by using GNUPG programmatic? Using some DLL
> > API or call the command?
> Calling the command.  You may find Perl to be very useful for this.
> > 3. Are there any guid or documents for GNUPG windows version?
> I assume you mean GUIs, as in Graphical User Interface.  (GUID is
> another acronym: Globally Unique Identifier.)  Yes; Google for WinPT or
> GPGshell.

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