On Jan 3, 2009, at 6:23 AM, Rippit the Ogg Frog wrote:
Greetings, I just subscribed.
I'm getting ready to have business cards printed, and want to
include my Key ID on them so that recipients can look up my key from
the keyservers.
My old business card had the Key ID F7605786, UID crawf...@goingware.com
This is a 1024-bit key that I generated with the old Open Source
PGP way back when.
But I have some hazy memory of generating a 2048-bit DSA key at some
point, which I think is the key one should use when sending me mail
these days.
Given the following:
$ gpg --fingerprint rip...@oggfrog.com
pub 1024D/F7605786 1999-01-11
Key fingerprint = 9B9F 2D03 9996 AF83 9A4F CB26 20E8 0D0B F760 5786
uid Michael David Crawford (aka Rippit the Ogg Frog)
uid Michael David Crawford
uid Michael D. Crawford <crawf...@goingware.com>
sub 2048g/1EA551E9 1999-01-11
Which is the Key ID to print on my business card? F7605786 or
Neither. You want the full fingerprint (9B9F 2D03 9996 AF83 9A4F CB26
20E8 0D0B F760 5786). Some people, myself included, include both the
key ID (F7605786) as well as the full fingerprint. Some people simply
boldface the last 8 digits of the fingerprint, as the key ID is the
same as the last 8 digits of the fingerprint. However you choose to
do it graphically, the point is that you want the large fingerprint as
that is what (mostly) uniquely identifies your key. The 8 digit key
ID is just a cut-down version of that which is easier to type in.
Or should I generate a new key entirely?
Your call on this one. If your old key isn't widely signed by other
people, you have nothing to lose in revoking it and making a new one.
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