Duwaine Robinson duwainer at srlcd.com
wrote on Thu Oct 30 15:47:44 CET 2008:

>>> I would like to be able to create a batch file 
>>> or a script that allows
>>> me to decrypt multiple encrypted files within a given folder.

Vlad "SATtva" Miller [mailto:sattva at pgpru.com] wrote:

>>On Linux that's easy.

>>To encrypt:
>>$ find <your_path> -type f -execdir gpg -r <keyID> -e {} \;

>>To decrypt:
>>$ find <your_path> -type f -iname '*.gpg' -execdir gpg {} \; 
>>note, that you'll be prompted for the passphrase for every file, 
>>you use gpg-agent with passphrase caching or provide passphrase 
on the
>>command line.)

Duwaine Robinson wrote:

>Seems easy enough. Happens that I am trying to get this done on 

have tested Vlad's suggestions, 
and it can be done the same way on windows by installing cygwin
and entering Vlad's commands at the cygwin $ prompt


[1] after installing cygwin,
add a copy of gpg.exe into the folder C:\cygwin\bin

[2] cygwin needs the 'slashes' for the path *reversed*
for purposes of illustration,
let's say that the directory whose files you want to encrypt, is 
and the directory whose files you want to decrypt, is c:\dt
and your encryption keyname is Boo
and the passphrase is Foo,

then Vlad's commands on cygwin in windows, would be:

To encrypt:
$ find c:/et -type f -execdir gpg -r Boo -e {} \;

To decrypt:
$ find c:/dt -type f -iname '*.gpg' -execdir gpg --passphrase Foo 
{} \;


it *must* be c:/et and c:/dt 
c:\et and c:\dt

otherwise, cygwin will give the following error message:
find: c:et: No such file or directory


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