Faramir (14.10.2008 03:53):
> David Shaw escribió:
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:32:51AM -0300, Faramir wrote:
>>> So, is there a way to ask a keyserver about "keys signed by...."?
>> Sure, use Wotsap: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~jc/wotsap/search.html
>> Plug your keyid into the "Key statistics" section, and you'll get a
>>  list of everyone who signed that key, and everyone who that key 
>> signed.
>> Note that this only works if those keys (and sigs) were uploaded to
>>  the keyserver net.

...*And* your key must be in the strong set to be included in statistics.

> Is that net linked somehow with pool.sks-keyservers.net ? I searched 
> my key, but nothing was found... Then I searched my keys at 
> http://wwwkeys.ch.pgp.net:11371/pks/searchkey.html and I found
> them... I am a bit confused (I mean, probably I did something wrong,
> but right now I don't know what could it be).

Looks like your key doesn't have a signature from a key from the strong set.

> Best Regards

SATtva | security & privacy consulting
www.vladmiller.info | www.pgpru.com

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