On 24-Sep-08, at 07:33 , Faramir wrote:

Robert J. Hansen escribió:
Faramir wrote:
Ok, let me say something on my behalf: in my experience, when
something does't work as well as expected, and people say "well...
lets do it 2 times, that should work", usually that leads to
something that works, but it is not as good as it could be...

False premise. DES works every bit as well as we expect. Even today,
the best attack against DES is brute force.

 I was not intending to say 3DES suffers from that problem. In fact, I
don't have any experience with 3DES, and just about 5 months using gpg. Also, I have said many times I am talking about a "dislike" not based in a rational reason (sorry if I am being redundant there). So probably it
is a mistake to try to explain in a logical way something that is, by
definition, non based on logic. But since maybe I caused a wrong
impression, I will try to clarify a bit my point of view... the rational

Basically DES uses a very strong algorithm that can be readily put into hardware. But it uses a key of 56 bits (8 7-bit ASCII characters for example). THis was really hard to brute force in the 1970's, when DES was invented, but not difficult now, with large memories and fast processors (especially purpose- built crackers).

The compromise (since there are a lot of DES hardware encryption tools available) was to use 3 separate 56 bit keys and apply them to the message (encrypt using key1](decrypt using key2) (encrypt using key 3). This is slow because it is applying the DES algorithm (or its reverse) three times, but it has an effective key length of 112 bits (even though there are 168 key bits) because of a meet in the middle attack against changed algorithms.

So 3DES is used because it is as secure or securer then any other algorithm of 112 bits and has been efficiently implemented in hardware for industrial use. It is slower than algorithms designed for the longer key length like AES (which was also designed so that it can be implemented in hardware fairly readily).

It is probably better to use as few algorithms as possible and to extensively apply cryptanalysis to those few to ensure their reliability. Some algorithms seem to have been mandated by some governments because they may be flawed but 3DES and AES256 etc. are mandated for U.S. government official use, the the NSA must think there are secure from cryptanalysis by foreign governments. YOu are far more likely to have your secret message cracked by flaws in the operating system at either end than by breaking of the actual cypher text. Cypher weaknesses are about the bottom of ant weakness in cryptography.
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