Mark H. Wood wrote:
> Hmmm.  You'd have to ensure that every point within the coating on
> every platter reaches the critical temperature (perhaps for a minimum
> amount of time?).  That sounds too uncertain when certain destruction
> is required.

The idea is that if, say, the CP of the ferromagnetics is 150C, you set
the oven to 160C and leave it in there for a couple of hours.  After a
while, simple heat dispersion through the media would do the job for you.

> The binder in the coating also has some critical temperatures and
> might do Interesting Things before reaching the pigment's Curie
> Point.  In a sealed box, no less.  I have no idea what will happen,
> but maybe you should before trying the experiment.

Like I said, I'm not going to be doing this experiment myself.  It's the
sort of thing which could be interesting, but which would need to be
done in a safe environment.

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