Hello All, I am porting an existing perl-mason code to java. I need to create certificates for certain inputs. The command used on perl-mason was
open(COMMAND, "echo $text | gpg --homedir $ENV{HOME}/.gnupg -s -u \"The Certificate Key\" |"); my $enc = join('',<COMMAND>); my $encCert = encode_base64($encrypted); When i tried to use the dame command in java, its not able to recognize the input to '-u' option. I think java is not able to interpret the spaces between the words of input string \"The Certificate Key\". Can anyone help me with this? -- Thanks & Regards, Nishant Sonone Graduate Student (MS) University of Southern California http://www.usc.edu/ Los Angeles, California, USA "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning ! ! !"
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