Faramir wrote:
> Some servers are hard to configure to use sftp (if possible at all)...

This means you need to find a competent sysadmin and/or hosting
provider.  If your sysadmin says it's hard to configure the server to
use ssh/scp/sftp, fire your sysadmin and get a competent one.  If your
hosting provider refuses to provide ssh/scp/sftp, take your business

> as an example, a friend of me asked me to enable SSL in his server (I am
> not sure if it is a virtual server or just a virtualhost, but I am sure
> it has shared IP). When I tried to install the certificate... I realized
> it couldn't be done without having to pay an extra monthly fee to get
> our own IP.

This is irrelevant to ssh/scp/sftp.

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