On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 06:43:59AM -0400, Faramir wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> reynt0 escribi??:
> > On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, kurt c wrote:
> >  . . .
> >> My name is Lawrence, by the way. I created this email account on a whim
> >> to  test Enigmail, that's why it has this kurt c stuff on it. And now
> >  . . .
> > 
> > FWIW,
> > Do you know that, as I understand things, Google saves
> > and records of, and analyzes including for affinity
> > grouping, all the email content and email accounts you
> > communicate with, and so by using gmail you are in some
> > small way compromising the privacy and maybe security of
> > everyone posting on any email list you get email from?
>   Writing a plain text email, gmail or not, already does that... do you
> know if your ISP sniffs your messages? Do you know if my ISP does it? Do
> you know if somebody in the list is an SPECTRE agent?
>    And... here comes the best part of this: the messages sent to the
> list are available at the list's web site, and no subscription or login
> is required to access them... so no doubt, even if gmail doesn't search
> the message's content, google, yahoo, msn, and all other searchers
> surely have indexed them with their robots... unless there is a
> robots.txt file stopping them... but it won't stop any bad boy...

And then there are things like http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/ ... :)

But let's not feed the troll any more :)


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