Hi there,

I am trying to encrypt and I am using two different calls. One is successful
and the other one fails. I need to perform the encryption via c# code and
therefore I need the one that fails to work:

This attempt to encrypt failed:

C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG>gpg --homedir "C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG" --yes
--batch --encrypt --armo
r --recipient MyUserId --no-verbose
gpg: tailgate: skipped: public key not found
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: public key not found

HOWEVER The following call succeeded:

C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG>gpg -e -r MyUserId Enc\ToEnc.txt

In addition I can see the key of MyUserId when I list the keys (using
--list-keys) and I did sign the key so I am not really sure why the first
attempt fails..


Thanks :)


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