RD wrote:
> My friend uses windows. Her company is replacing her laptop. She knows
> how to re-install gnupg but is unsure what to copy/export and what
> folder to place the keys on the new box.
> What should I tell her or where to I point her to read (RTFM) on the web?

Copy gpg.conf (if it exists) and the three .gpg files (pubring.gpg, secring.gpg,
trustdb.gpg) from %APPDATA%\GnuPG on the old machine to the new machine.

%APPDATA% usually expands to (subject to any localization)

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data

Running 'gpg--version' on the old machine will tell the location of the present
keys. (Home: ......)

Running 'gpg--version' on the new machine will create the directory as well as
show the location.

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:   John (a) Mozilla-Enigmail.org
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10/0x18BB373A
"what's the key to success?"        / "two words: good decisions."
"what's the key to good decisions?" /  "one word: experience."
"how do i get experience?"          / "two words: bad decisions."

"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"

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