On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 2:51 PM, John W. Moore III
> Make certain that on the 'OpenPGP' > 'Preferences' > 1st Tab that the
> Path to gpg.exe is correct.

I am not using Windows so I can't say for sure about *.exe. I am using
Linux and Mozilla Thunderbird.

I uninstalled and reinstalled Enigmail on my Mozilla Thunderbird just
to be make sure the "plugin" worked properly.

I then looked at my keys generated on my system:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.gnupg$ gpg --list-keys
pub   1024D/C4B187CB 2008-05-29
uid                  Carlos Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub   8446g/6B90B444 2008-05-29

***I don't know if I should be publicly posting the info above...Is
that bad to show in public?***

Anyways - Enigmail does not find my key. I installed the most recent
version on my Linux / Thunderbird system...

I am fairly lost on why this is not working for me...any suggestions?

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