giangios wrote:
> When I run the command: rpm -q gnupg, now doesn't show any gnupg
> installation, but I can use it.

Right -- rpm only knows about packages you add via rpm packages, not
about random things you compile from source.

> Now I need to point the distribution packages (CENTOS 4.2) to use
> the last (and unique) installed GNUPG.

You should be building a gnupg rpm.

> What shall I do? I am not very familiar to configure servers. :-/

The only sane advice would be to undo what you have done and not
attempt to replace core system components until you better understand
the system you are working with.

I would recommend reading up on building packages with rpm, if you
really feel that you must have a newer gnupg version installed in your

A few places to start might be:

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
pause and reflect.
    -- Mark Twain

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