On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 11:23:41AM +0100, Edward Robinson wrote:

> This possibly sounds like a driver bug, I am no expert though.  Perhaps 
> if you list your card reader model someone can tell you if it is known to 
> have problems.


> I use a smart card and I have to admit gpg has conked out on me a couple 
> of times and not been able to read my card.  Do you have to reboot 
> though?  Isn't logging out and back in again enough?

When I opened a new terminal, the problem was the same. Rebooting was the 
quickest solution.

> I think it may depend on how you backed up your keyring.  If you copied 
> the .gnupg folder, then you could do:
>  gpg --homedir <backup_usb_stick>

Removed my card and then tried 

$gpg --homedir <backup_directory> -d file.gpg

and got the following message

gpg: anonymous recipient; trying secret key <xxxxxx> ...
gpg: detected reader `SCM SCR 335 00 00'
gpg: pcsc_connect failed: no smartcard (0x8010000c)
gpg: apdu_send_simple(0) failed: no card
Please insert the card and hit return or enter 'c' to cancel: c

if I just entered

$gpg --homedir <backupdirectory>

Then I get 

gpg: Go ahead and type your message ...

I have got to be making a silly mistake somewhere. Will take the time the to 
reread the manuals slowly and the set up commands of the card

> Not sure if that is what you want.


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